Saturday, December 14, 2013


On the Coconut Wireless good news travels quickly across the island. Bad news travels quicker. When I got the news, we were standing on Kahili Ridge. From there you can watch the island stretch out East to Wailua and South to Kalaheo. The ridge is home to many native species of plants that are not easy to find anymore. Maybe ironic isn't the right word, but I can't pick another to describe it. The last time we spoke, I had just come back from Kahili Ridge, and you had told me how special that hike was. Though nobody was ready to hear the news of your passing, I'm glad I was there when I received it. I didn't spend nearly as much time with you as I would have liked, but in the short time that I knew you I cannot remember an instance in which you showed anything but the raw spirit of Aloha. You embodied that philosophy Corey. You spread the joy and Aloha everywhere you went and to everyone you met. I miss you brother, and countless others feel the same way. Keep an eye out for us and I'll see you soon.

We all know what you would like to see us do with this news; celebrate your life and celebrate all life. We will try to carry the torch that you effortlessly held. Thank you for everything Corey Clifford. Aloha